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[유관학회] AAS-AVBS-ANZMS Scientific Showcase Seminar
  • 등록일 2024.04.17
  • 조회수 444


다가오는 4월 17일(수)에 Australian Atherosclerosis Society에서 Scientific Showcase Seminar을 개최 할 예정입니다.
아래 일정 및 세미나 정보 확인하시어 관심 있는 회원분들의 많은 참여 부탁드립니다.

- 일시: 2024. 4. 17.(수) 오후 12-1 AEST (한국시간: 오전 11-12)
- 주제: Revealing the significance of NLRP3/Colchicine/Canakinumab to transform atherosclerotic plaques by suppressing inflammation.
- 장소: 온라인 줌(Zoom)
- URL: 
https://zoom.us/j/96221620781 (비밀번호: 252119)



Scientific Showcase Seminar

Dear Jaetaek,

The Scientific Showcase Seminars, running fortnightly on Wednesdays, are now in collaboration with The Australian Vascular Biology Society (AVBS) and the Australian and New Zealand Microcirculation Society (ANZMS).

These seminars are a great way to keep in touch with colleagues and the latest research.  We would like to acknowledge Amgen and Novartis for their support as the 2024 Atherosclerosis Education Program Partners. 

Our next seminar will feature Dr Ben Chen to be held on Wednesday April 17th, at the NEW TIME of 12-1pm AEST and chaired by Dr Kristen Bubb.

We'd be delighted if you can join us for this session. Please feel free to circulate this announcement to your colleagues.

Kind regards,

Scientific Showcase Committee

A/Prof. Joseph Moxon (James Cook University) Dr. Kristen Bubb (Monash University), & Prof. Claudine Bonder (University of South Australia)





Wednesday April 17, 2024, 12 - 1 p.m. AEST

Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/96221620781

Passcode: 252119




Revealing the significance of NLRP3/Colchicine/Canakinumab to transform atherosclerotic plaques by suppressing inflammation.

Dr Ben Chen

Dr. Chen is a qualified veterinary surgeon, mid-career researcher, and a group leader in the preclinical drug testing team at the Victoria Heart Institute. He led a discovery team consisting of two PhDs, one Honours student, and one RA for testing several lines of new therapeutics and gut microbiome intervention. He designed, developed, and validated the first TS mouse model and is the leading expert in its use. The model was ranked in the top 10 most-read articles published in Circulation Research in 2013. He has made groundbreaking discoveries about modulating shear stress for the development of vulnerable plaques. His second animal model of diabetes TS (published in JAHA in 2022) received over 3,500 downloads and was cited 13 times within 1.5 year. He was the receipient of numerous Fellowships including the Heart Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship, the prestigious Paul Korner Innovation Award, Heart foundation Future Leader Fellowship, and the prestigious Baker 5-year fellowship. Leading multiple funded projects He has authored 33 papers (First in EHJ, Circ Res, Nature Comm, ATVB, CVR, THx2, JAHA, FASEB J, Commun Biol, Senior in Mol Cell Proteomics), 6 reviews, 1 book chapter, and holds 8 patents with over 3,400 citations (H-index 30, Scopus).




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