학회소개 학회 소식
학회 소식
인사말 연혁 임원진 회칙 및 규정 시상제도 학회 출판물 회원가입 안내 학회 위치 학회 소식 한국지질·동맥경화학회 20주년
[학회 관련 안내]IAS Visiting Fellowship(IAS)
  • 등록일 2012.10.25
  • 조회수 20,593

IAS Visiting Fellowship

The deadline for the IAS Visiting Fellowship is fast approaching January 30, 2013.

This grant of $5,000-$8,000 will provide a wonderful opportunity for a young scientist to gain experience and knowledge in the field of atherosclerosis, which then can be transferred to his or her home laboratory, hospital, and country, thus benefitting many people beyond just the young scientist.

Please apply for this Fellowship (http://www.athero.org/ias-fellow.asp). We have attached an announcement that we hope you will forward to your membership to encourage applications for this fellowship, which will allow a young scientist to then bring home new skills, new techniques, and initiate new programs in atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease.

Email: info@athero.org
Website: www.athero.org
Tel: 713-797-0401, Fax: 713-796-8853



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