학회소개 학회 소식
학회 소식
인사말 연혁 임원진 회칙 및 규정 시상제도 학회 출판물 회원가입 안내 학회 위치 학회 소식 한국지질·동맥경화학회 20주년
[학회 관련 학술대회 안내] The 43rd Japan Atherosclerosis Society Annual Meeting
  • 등록일 2010.12.29
  • 조회수 17,869

We are pleased to inform you that the 43rd Japan Atherosclerosis Society Annual Meeting will be held on July 15-16, 2011 in Sapporo, Japan. The Meeting consists 2 days of scientific programs, and participants will discuss the latest information and developments on atherosclerosis, covering every aspect of academic activities from basic science to clinical applications.

We would like you to encourage young talented scientists in your affiliation to submit abstracts for English session. A selected applicant will receive a grant (from ¥100,000 to ¥200,000, depending on the location of the country). The deadline is February 15, 2011.

Call for Abstracts for the English Session

*General Information
-The deadlne is February 15, 2011.
-Please seng your abstract to the secretariat via E-mail(in MS word format) AND Fax.
-Only one abstract can be applied by one person.
-Abstracts must be prepared in English.
-Accepted abstracts will be included in the Book of Abstracts.
-Presentation will be on the poster.
-Prestenters should be beside own posters and explain works during the scheduled period.

*Abstract Information
-Title of Abstract : Title of Abstract should not exceed 200 characters of plain text in English.
-Abstract Body : The Abstract should not exceed 1,400 characters of plain text in English. If the abstract contains a figure or table, the number of characters should be less than 600.

-Presenting author
-Address and Postal/Zip Code
-Telephone Number(Exetnsion)
-Fax Number
-E-mail Address

*TEL : +81-3-3571-4605
*FAX : +81-3-3571-4606
*E-mail : jas@kk-kyowa.co.jp



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