Opening Remarks |
서홍석 회장 (고려의대) |
09:15~10:45 |
Symposium I: Vascular Research in Cardiovascular Disease |
좌장: 최영길 (차의대), 김양하 (이화여대) |
09:15~09:40 |
Immunosenescence and Vascular Aging |
신의철 (한국과학기술원) |
09:40~10:05 |
Role of PCSK9 in Uptake and Degradation of LDL Particles |
박상욱 (연세의대) |
10:05~10:30 |
Metabolomic Profiling for the Metabolism and Atherogenesis |
황금숙 (한국기초과학지원연구원) |
10:30~10:45 |
Q&A |
패널: 강신애, 김오연, 박성하, 임수 조경현 |
10:45~10:55 |
Break |
10:55~12:20 |
Symposium II: Metabolism and Brain |
좌장: 신현호 (가톨릭관동의대), 서홍석 (고려의대) |
10:55~11:20 |
Metabolic Actions of Rho-kinase in Periphery and Brain |
Young-Bum Kim (Harvard University, USA) |
11:20~11:45 |
Possible Role of Low-dose PPAR-γ Agonist through LRP1 Regulation in Alzheimer's Disease |
차봉수 (연세의대) |
11:45~12:10 |
The Role of Free Fatty Acid in Ischemic Stroke |
서우근 (고려의대) |
12:10~12:20 |
Q&A |
패널: 김용재, 박광열, 오구택, 이은정, 최성희 |
12:20~12:30 |
Break |
12:30~13:10 |
Luncheon Symposium |
13:10~14:30 |
Lunch and Break |
14:30~16:00 |
Symposium III: Update of Cholesterol Treatment Guidelines |
좌장: 김치정 (중앙의대), 박경수 (서울의대) |
14:30~14:55 |
Review of Updated Korean Cholesterol Treatment Guidelines and Others |
김상현 (서울의대) |
14:55~15:20 |
Should We Apply Subclinical Atherosclerosis as a Marker for CVD Risk? |
한기훈 (울산의대) |
15:20~15:45 |
CVD Risk Calculators: What Are Their Positions in the Clinical Practice? |
정창희 (울산의대) |
15:45~16:00 |
Q&A |
패널: 김대중, 김병진, 김용석, 송기호, 이상학 |
16:00~16:15 |
Break |
16:15~17:45 |
Symposium IV: Special Debate Session ”A Patient with Type 2 Diabetes without Any History of Cardiovascular Disease and Already on Statin with LDL-C < 100 mg/dL, but Still High TG and Low HDL-C. What’s Next?” |
좌장: 이문규 (성균관의대) |
16:15~16:25 |
Introduction |
이문규 (성균관의대) |
16:25~16:50 |
Increase the Statin Dosage |
성기철 (성균관의대) |
16:50~17:15 |
Add Fibrate |
김성래 (가톨릭의대) |
17:15~17:40 |
Q&A |
패널: 김재택, 김혜진, 서지아, 조상호, 최소연 |
17:40~17:45 |
Voting and Conclusion |
17:45~ |
Closing Remarks |
박경수 이사장 (서울의대) |
서울시 마포구 독막로 331 마스터즈타워 805호 한국지질·동맥경화학회
TEL : 02-3275-5330 FAX : 02-3275-5331 EMAIL : ksla@lipid.or.kr